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100% Polyester Material:Crafted from 100% polyester, this hat offers superior warmth and comfort, perfect for the autumn and winter seasons.
Fashionable Korean Style:Featuring a trendy Korean style, this hat adds a touch of casual chic to your outfit, making it a must-have accessory.
Wholesale Availability:Available for wholesale, this hat is an ideal choice for retailers looking to stock high-quality, fashionable items.
Warmth and Comfort:With its plush velvet lining, this hat provides excellent warmth and comfort, making it perfect for cold weather activities.
Versatile Use:Whether you're hitting the slopes for a winter ski session or just going out for a casual stroll, this hat is versatile enough to suit any occasion.
Durable Construction:Manufactured with durability in mind, this hat is designed to withstand daily wear and tear, ensuring long-lasting use.